A Christmas Journey Welcome Boys and Girls and all who care to journey with us. Get your walking shoes and sleeping bags. We are going to journey to Bethlehem to see the baby who is “Christ, the Lord”. The shepherds are in the field with their sheep and have...
Christmas Eve Friday, December 24, 2021
Isaiah 9:8 Promise Reflection: There is nothing more sustaining than the promise of hope. We live in and for hope. Just as our Hebrew fathers lived with the promise “For surely, I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for...
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Luke 2:1-7 Anticipation Reflection: As we read the manger scripture, think about the anticipation that Mary and Joseph must have been feeling. First, they had to embark on their mandatory trek to Bethlehem. Second, they had the pending birth of a very special...
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Psalms 80:7 Radiance Reflection: Back in May of 2019, my daughter Dana and I took a girls only trip to Spain. Any trip to Europe means visiting lots of churches. I love church architecture – I find churches beautiful. When Dana was in elementary school she did a...
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Isaiah 66:10; Luke 13:33b-34 Deliverance Reflection: The verses cited above are grouped in the lectionary with the familiar words of Luke 2:7 about the Christ Child who is laid in a manger. They show that there is more involved here than what we were probably...
Monday, December 20, 2021
Luke 2:7 Awe Reflection: The birth of Jesus is an amazing story. Only two verses in Luke 2 suffice to tell all that happened when Jesus was born. I discovered again that because there was no room in Bethlehem for Joseph and Mary, they had to lay Jesus, when he was...
Fourth Sunday in Advent December 19, 2021
Luke 2:7 Joy Reflection: From earliest childhood, singing was an enjoyable pastime and I couldn’t wait to join the choirs at church: first in Primary blue, moving-on to Junior red, Youth purple, and finally, Chancel black. The highlight, through the purple years,...
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Luke 2:13-14 (The Message) Praise Reflection: Music has been loved for centuries. It can make you feel happy and calm or joyous and energized. Music is heart healthy, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress levels. It engages your brain and can improve your...
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Amos 9:13 Inspiration Reflection: My Facebook friends know that I post a lot of Bach cantatas. I can’t help myself, because I find my faith reflected in each one of these pieces. Soloists, choir, and instrumentalists blend together without losing their individual...
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Luke 2:11-14 Glory Be! Reflection: As we celebrate Advent and Christmas, music has always been a central part of that celebration. When we praise God, or remember all that God has done for us, we naturally turn to music. When the heavenly host praised God that...