Current Mission Opportunities

Local Missions
Here at Highland, we believe that supporting local mission is crucial to living according to Jesus’s will for our lives. There are a number of Lancaster County Organizations that Highland supports through fundraisers, action, and prayers.

Global Missions
El Salvador. Ireland. Argentina. Peru. Highland has been around the world expressing God’s love and service. Offering Him all that we have. We are very passionate congregation that is active in mission and outreach. We’re on a mission to learn, build, teach, and grow with other cultures.
We enthusiastically support the ministries and work of eight missionaries around the world. When they come to the area, we regularly host our PCUSA missionaries and feature them for speaking and fellowship opportunities so that we can learn and grow through their journeys. In addition, Highland members go on a number of mission trips, globally, where we will be hosted through our PCUSA missionaries that we support.

Matthew 25
The Mission – We are called to live out Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25 to serve our neighbors in need. The Matthew 25 Initiative focuses on tackling challenges of systemic racism and poverty both locally and globally.

Earth Care
“The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” Psalm 24:1
Highland is an Earth Care Congregation! We join hundreds of Presbyterian Churches in our commitment to honor and preserve God’s creation in our worship, education, outreach and facilities. Keep an eye on the Highland Heartbeat Newsletter and Highland’s Facebook page for opportunities to learn and take action at Highland and in the community.