Many Ways to Get Involved.

We are a prayerful people. Through prayer we grow in our relationship with God. Prayer concerns and needs are very important to the Highland community so that we can partner with you in your faith journey.

Kids @ Highland
Highland is a congregation that nurtures its members faith journeys from their earliest years. We are committed to transforming children’s lives by nurturing personal relationships with Jesus Christ and interacting with God’s Word. Through our loving dedication to Kids @ Highland, we strive to lay the critical groundwork so that they may go forward to disciple and impact the world for Christ.

Youth @ Highland
Highland’s Youth Group is a place for young people to build relationships, explore their faith, and talk about the issues that matter to them! We meet weekly on Zoom at 6 PM on Sundays, and sometimes we find other ways to get together while honoring COVID safety guidelines. Text @yghighland to 81010 to receive text updates on all Youth Group events, or contact Will for more information!

Family Ministry
Since our founding in 1958, Highland had been blessed to be an inter-generational congregation of people of all ages following Jesus. This breadth of believers has given us an opportunity for families to come together for worship, fellowship, recreation, and spiritual growth. From mission experiences to family hikes and weekend retreats, families of all sizes and shapes have possibilities to strengthen their bonds, reconnect away from life’s bustle and make memories.

Matthew 25
Matthew 25 Overview: The Matthew 25 initiative was created by the Presbyterian Mission Agency and seeks to encourage and equip PC USA churches across the country to be actively engaged in the world in tangible ways. The goal is for followers of Jesus of all ages to put feet to faith, hands to hope and legs to love. At Highland, we believe that we all have gifts and talents to share as we reach out to our community.

Post-Career Ministry
Our Senior Ministry provides opportunities for care, compassion, and nurture for those ages 65 and older. While our programs are open to everyone, we strive to keep the intellectual and spiritual development alive in our seniors through outreach fellowship and recreation.

Music Ministry
Our Highland Music Ministry family serves to bring Jesus to Life through music. In the life of our church, you may find us ringing bells, playing drums, guitar or piano, not to mention singing praises to our heavenly Father. Our volunteers work together to plan special events, concerts and participate in worship services. We encourage you to express your faith in song! Childcare is available during rehearsals

Sports Ministry
Highland loves to give people opportunities to move, play and build community! Our sports ministries include basketball, yoga, softball and of course the Upward Basketball League. Some of these activities have been suspended because of COVID, but look out for updates and we hope to see you soon!

Classes and Studies
Click Learn More for a list of our classes and times

Small Groups
Highland’s small group ministries allow people of all ages and interests to experience Christian carping amid a dozen or fewer members. Each group is lead by a trained leader who is supported and encouraged by members of Highland’s clergy team. These intimate groups provide a confidential setting for Highland members, their guests and searching community members to bring Jesus into their lives through Bible study, prayer, sharing and service. These small groups provide a place of caring and belonging, help build faithful disciples and immerse group members in a joy-filled Christian community.