Local Missions
Highland supports local agencies in the county by providing financial assistance and volunteers. We regularly support the agencies by volunteering at local events. If you’d like more information on how you can help, contact Lisa Murray.
Upcoming Mission Opportunities
Ongoing Mission Opportunities
Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
Preparing Meals for Arch Street Center
Help prepare casseroles or cookies for 40 Arch Street members. Deliver to Highland. Please contact Linda Neumann lgneu56@gmail.com.
Market Share
Purchase a gift card for a local grocery store on Sunday morning at the Market Share desk in the Narthex!
Local Mission Partners
Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster
Mental Health America of Lancaster County
The MHA Mission is to promote optimal mental health through ADVOCACY, EDUCATION, and SUPPORT. Advocacy services are provided to those who need assistance in finding the best treatment and programs for their mental health. MHA disseminates information about mental illness, where to look for help and how to support peers with mental illness. Numerous free support groups are also available for several mental illnesses, including depression, bi-polar disorder, and anxiety. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available from clerical help to peer assistance.
The Power Packs Project
Research shows that “hungry children have a hard time learning in school, have short attention spans, and suffer more absence due to illness.” The Power Packs Project empowers participating families living below the poverty line to better use their food dollars and assure their children are well-fed and ready to learn, especially early in the school week. In addition, staples like cereal, milk, and fresh fruit or vegetables are also distributed. To be sure, the distribution of food to those in need is an important element of Power Packs. But the critical mission is to educate families how to prepare low cost, nutritious meals. Families save the recipes to plan future meals and use the weekly “tips’ to stretch their scarce food dollars. Volunteers deliver food to a Lancaster city elementary school which requires about an hour or so once every few weeks.
Habitat for Humanity
Since 1986, Lancaster Lebanon Habitat for Humanity has been building, renovating and repairing homes, as well as revitalizing neighborhoods, throughout Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. They believe that when individuals and families live in an affordable, stable home, they are better able to secure other essentials and opportunities in life, such as higher education, medical care, nutritious food and job opportunities.
Arch Street Center
Arch Street Center is an independent non-profit offering a membership-based day program for adults living with serious mental illness. We provide a safe, caring, and judgment-free space with a focus on socialization, recreation, and empowerment.
Milagro House
Milagro House provides education, housing, and counseling for women and their children experiencing homelessness.
First Reform Meals – Volunteer Opportunity
Highland partners with First Reformed Church in Lancaster city to serve a meal to the less fortunate, about six times a year, Highland church members and their friends and family, provide a meal and a warm smile. The dates for these volunteer opportunities can be found on this page.
The Transitional Living Center
The Transitional Living Center helps individuals, couples, and families experiencing homelessness to achieve their housing stability and self-sufficiency goals.
Vantage House
Vantage House provides drug and alcohol treatment for women who are battling an addiction. The women and their children reside in the center, and get treatment, support and counseling.
Lancaster County Food Hub
Rooted in Faith & Compassion, Lancaster County Food Hub provides services that honor the dignity of all by striving to meet basic human needs.
Market Share
Helping to combat hunger is as easy as purchasing a grocery gift card!
Do your own grocery shopping with the purchase of $25 and $50 grocery debit cards for Giant, Oregon Dairy, Stauffers or Weis from Highland. Highland gets a small return that adds up to BIG ways help others. The cards are on sale every Sunday morning in the Narthex or in the church office from Mike Nolt. Try to never shop without them!
For more information on getting involved in community outreach with Highland, contact the church office at 717-569-2651.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. – Matthew 25:35
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity
Mission Week 2021
Highland volunteers of all ages contributed to projects in partnership with Lancaster-Lebanon Habitat for Humanity