Luke 2:11-14
Reflection: How magnificent it must have been to experience this moment. The announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God, our Messiah. It must have been joyous, exhilarating, and inspiring. I call this a pinch yourself moment. Part of me is sure a symphony of sound from instruments and voices accompanied this announcement. There was no written composition for this, the sound was divinely inspired. I can imagine strains of The Hallelujah Chorus accompanying this extraordinary announcement.
Music has the unique ability to dramatically enhance and transform any experience. I think of all the great movie soundtracks that pulled out feelings intensifying the experience. Music can reach into our very souls and bring out deep emotions and feelings and transform any experience to be truly extraordinary.
The wonder of music has played an important part in my life. To enhance it through personal expressions such as membership in Lancaster Symphony Chorus, Highland’s choir or just strumming and singing with family and friends. One moment that will always be particularly moving to me is singing “Silent Night” by candlelight in a darkened and peaceful sanctuary on Christmas eve. The wonder and beauty of the season comes together in that moment for me.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of music as we are uplifted by the wonders and joys of Christmas. Amen.
Jeff Doane, Elder